The Benefits of Going “All In”

Twin sisters, Anne and Leigh Walkup standing together arm and arm looking at the camera. Both women have brown shoulder length hair and are smiling - the background is a blurred image of greenery and a road.

Are you ready to dedicate your time and energy to living alcohol-free?

In episode 317, my favorite twins, Leigh and Anne Walkup, share the benefits they've experienced since committing to an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Anne is on the left, and Leigh is on the right. 🥰

Answering the question "Are you ready to go 'all in' on sobriety?" isn't always straightforward. What does going "all in" really mean?

Is it about making a lifelong commitment to never drink again, or is it about making a deeper commitment to yourself and your future well-being?

I invited Anne and Leigh back to the podcast to explore these questions and discuss the transformative benefits that come from fully committing to an alcohol-free lifestyle.

While making this commitment isn't easy, as you'll hear in this episode, staying stuck in indecision can be even harder. The sisters share how their journey from moderation to full commitment opened doors they never expected.

Throughout the conversation, Anne and Leigh share how their commitment to sobriety has transformed their lives in powerful ways:

  • No more mental energy wasted on alcohol decisions

  • Enhanced physical well-being and restful sleep

  • Sharper focus and mental clarity

  • Accelerated professional growth

  • More authentic and meaningful relationships

  • A richer, more present way of living

Key topics we discuss:

  • The sisters’ pivotal moment in June 2016 when they decided to stop drinking completely after attempting moderation

  • How a short-term break can lead to long-term freedom from alcohol

  • When their commitment “clicked” four months in

  • Establishing non-negotiables in early sobriety (avoiding bars, changing social circles, prioritizing morning routines)

  • The importance of allowing yourself to grieve alcohol and process those emotions

  • Creating new traditions and celebrations without alcohol

  • Navigating social situations and setting boundaries with friends and family

  • The role of self-care and personal development in maintaining sobriety

Anne and Leigh Walkup are the creative forces behind The Southern Lady Cooks and Front Porch Life, a lifestyle brand and magazine celebrating Southern cooking and hospitality. Their authentic approach to Southern living has built a devoted following, combining traditional recipes with modern entertaining tips and family traditions.

Anne and Leigh’s story emphasizes that while deciding to stop drinking isn’t easy, the benefits of full commitment to sobriety far outweigh the temporary discomfort of change.

Mentioned in this episode:

Southern Sweets Cookbook

Blackout, by Sarah Hepola

Leigh and Anne’s past episodes:

Want more? Check out these popular episodes:

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder with Sarah Rusbatch

5 Essential Ways to Manage Cravings and Urges Without Drinking

5 Practical Tips to Help You Stop Drinking in Midlife and Beyond

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There is another option besides drinking in midlife.

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